The Us Tank War With Rommel's Afrika Corps

The tank war between the US and Rommel's Afrika Corps in North Africa during World War II was a fierce and pivotal struggle. It began in earnest in 1942, as the Afrika Corps, led by the brilliant German general Erwin Rommel, pushed the Allies back across North Africa. The US entered the conflict on the side of the Allies in November 1942, and its Sherman tanks soon clashed with the Afrika Corps' formidable Panzer tanks. The fighting was intense and often brutal, with both sides suffering heavy losses. The tide began to turn in the Allies' favor in 1943, as they received more supplies and reinforcements. In May 1943, the Allies launched Operation Husky, an invasion of Sicily, which forced the Afrika Corps to retreat to Tunisia. The Allies pursued the Axis forces relentlessly, and in May 1943, they finally defeated the Afrika Corps in Tunisia, effectively ending the tank war in North Africa.